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All of the podcasting services at Bean Bag Studios are tailored to each client's needs.  We work with businesses and individuals to create a custom production package that fits your exact needs.  Please contact us to request a consultation and quote.   In the meantime, we've listed out three basic tiers of packages that we offer, along with all of our individual services below.


Tier 1 - "Self-Service" Podcasting"


  • Hourly rate for facility/equipment use (or membership packages)

  • Audio engineer assistance during recording session

  • Instant delivery/ownership of audio files (unedited)


This is our most basic and most affordable package.  This is for the podcasters who literally want to "do it all" themselves, and just need a great studio to do it in.



Tier 2 - "The Finished Product"


Includes everything in "Self-Service", PLUS...

  • Editing/post production of audio files (including intros, music, etc.)

  • Hosting/Management of show pages/RSS *

  • Platform submission/distribution (apple, google, spotify, stitcher, etc.)

  • Analytic reports


Tier 2 is for folks who know exactly what they want to do, take care of the creative stuff themselves, but want assistance with all the technical stuff - recording their shows, editing them, and getting them up onto podcasting platforms.



Tier 3 - "The Total Package"


Includes everything in "The Finished Product", PLUS...

  • Show concepting

  • Pre-production, outlining, rundowns

  • Talent prep/training

  • Logo, Cover art design

  • Titles, descriptions, tags, keyword creation

  • Social media accounts

  • Marketing strategy/services


The Total Package is exactly that... everything we've got from soup to nuts.  This is the perfect package when you know you want to do a podcast, you have a basic idea, but you need our help with everything else. We'll combine our strategy, production, and marketing experience to help you create the perfect podcast that hits all your goals and makes all your dreams come true!


A La Carte Services


Everything we do is also available as individual services, or as add-ons with the above packages.  We can customize a package that provides everything you need and nothing you don't.  Think of it as the "make your own burger" of podcasting services.  Here's the menu...


  1. Concept/Creative

  2. Pre-production

    1. Title

    2. Purpose/Summary/Tagline

    3. Show description

    4. Format (length/release schedule)

    5. Talent/SMEs

      1. Talent Training

    6. Launch schedule

    7. Outline/Rundown

    8. Live audio roll-ins

  3. Recording session (main and backup tracks)

    1. Audio engineer assistance

  4. Post-production/editing

    1. Mixing, editing

    2. Recording, editing additional audio elements

    3. Writing episode names, descriptions, keywords, metadata

    4. Creating logo

    5. Creating cover art

    6. Creating tags

  5. Hosting

  6. Platform Distribution

  7. Tracking/Stats

  8. Promotion/Marketing

    1. Social media account creation

    2. Social media account management

    3. SEO consulting

    4. Earned media, Influencer strategy

    5. Paid media strategy

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